Identify Your Mistakes to Stay on Track.

A great philosopher once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

It’s a good one to remember in our daily lives, my friend. Because without gaining awareness of what throws us off course, we’re likely to get derailed by the same mistake again.

Maybe it’s a self-limiting belief that broke through your defenses and convinced you to give up.

Maybe you listened to a negative colleague talk about the pointlessness of even trying.

Or maybe you went ahead and bought certain items at the grocery store that you find so hard to resist late at night.

Sure, sometimes we’re thrown off track by an unprecedented disruption. But in plenty of cases, it’s something that might have occurred in the past and could likely come up again.

The key, then, is to look back and identify the obstacles – AND OUR ROLE IN CREATING THEM.

That’s the first step to staying on track as you move forward.

I’d love for you to share what limiting belief you’ve identified and how you’ll choose to rewrite and overcome it!

PS. This is just one example of the type of mental skills I help my clients develop when they're training toward completing an epic adventure.

Odds are, something isn't going to go to plan. You need to know your mental patterns, and how to re-write them, in order to set yourself up for success in the face of adversity.

If this is something you struggle with, I'm here to help. Shoot me an email and I’ll be more than happy to chat!

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