Quit tomorrow.

One of my mentors specializes in training people for US Navy SEAL selection…

The mantra he teaches most of them to repeat when things get the hardest?..

“Quit tomorrow.”

When you’re deep in the suck, whether that be in the middle of “Hell Week”, the middle of an Ultramarathon, or just the middle of a training cycle, it can feel like the continued effort just isn’t worth it.

But the reality is this…

The pain of regret will far outweigh the pain of the effort.

So tell yourself to quit tomorrow, rather than right now.

Because the truth of the matter is that your desire to quit is based on how you feel in this moment, not based on what you want most.

It’s based on the discomfort you’re experiencing NOW, which will pale in comparison to the pain of quitting on your goals.

When you wake up tomorrow, with that temporary moment of discomfort in the past, you’ll be glad you stayed the course.

We all have those moments when we want to throw in the towel.

When it feels like the effort just isn’t worth it or when we just straight up don’t wanna do it anymore.

What separates those who achieve their goals from those that don’t is a willingness to put in the work regardless of how they’re feeling in the moment.

They’re willing to trade what they want NOW (to quit) for what they want long-term (to achieve their goals.)

It’s not purely about “grit” either…

Grit is highly overrated.

What you need is a set of mental skills - which can be learned, and practiced - to get you through those tough times.

These mental skills are just one component of what I help my clients master so that they can crush their fitness and adventure goals.

Ready to start training your mental skills, along with your body, in order to crush your next big adventure?

Submit a Coaching Application to find out if you’d be a good fit for our Backcountry STRONG Coaching Program.

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