Schedule Something to Improve Your Motivation!

Don’t you just LOVE having something to look forward to?

Sometimes I enjoy the anticipation as much as the actual thing itself!

Here’s a helpful trick I learned to bring more of this fun to my life and to make it more useful in reaching my health goals:

I schedule some things weeks or months in advance so that I always have something specific to keep me motivated.

Then, when I’m feeling listless or unmotivated, I look at my calendar and visualize how awesome that day can be – if I do my part now.

Think about common Big Moments like…

  • A family reunion

  • Running your first 5K - or Ultramarathon

  • A beach vacation

  • Saving enough money for a down payment on a home or vehicle

The possibilities are endless. And it’s easy to see how to leave “breadcrumb” goals on the path to ultimate success.

If you automatically make a deposit into your special saving account, then plan out when you’ll be 25% to your goal, then 50%, and so on… and when those days come, pat yourself on the back or give yourself a little treat.

I find this to be a fun and engaging way to keep me motivated during a long process. It keeps my goals top-of-mind and it reminds me what I can be doing each day to move the needle.

I know it will work for you, too!

Drop me a line and let me know what your goal is!

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